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GIS is an acronym for Geographic Information Systems or in terms of county government - Geographic Information Services. Most people associate GIS with maps, but there is so much more involved. Every feature on a map has information tied to it. GIS is the system that manages that data and makes it accessible to people.  Introduction to the GIS Department

The GIS Department is working to provide more resources to public and county users. Please recognize that these links are a work in progress and will be changing over time. 
McKenzie County interactive maps <<< NEW UPDATED PARCEL APPLICATION

Public Access                      County Access

GIS data available for download:
  NOTE: Specialized geographic information systems software is required to access the provided shapefiles. The below data is updated daily and will continue to change frequently. Users of Google Earth Pro can import following these directions. Search "SHP to KMZ Converters" for other options.
   PARCELS:    This information is provided as a general reference only and does not meet survey grade accuracy standards. Specific questions regarding any parcel should be directed to the Tax Director's / Recorder's Office.
   ROAD SEGMENTS:    This information supports 911 addressing and emergency response routing in McKenzie County. This dataset changes daily. Specific questions regarding any road should be directed to the Public Works Division.
   ADDRESS SITES:    911 addressing supports emergency services in McKenzie County. All residential and commercial structures along with any other location where emergency services may be needed requires a 911 address. This dataset reflects active addresses in the 911 System and changes are made daily. Specific questions regarding any address should be directed to the GIS Department.
   The North Dakota State Water Commission has multiple map services available that allow data such as LiDAR and aerial imagery to be downloaded.
    The North Dakota Oil & Gas Division has a map service that allows download data in shapefile format.

Static pdf map files:
   These files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat or other pdf viewing applications. Since these are static map files, there is a print date usually near the legend of each map. That date indicates the currentness of the information displayed on the map. There is no set schedule for updating these map files. Please use our interactive map applications for current information.

*** Road Inventory map (may open slower due to large file size)

GIS/Addressing/Shapefile Requests


GIS/Addressing/Shapefile Requests
Public Works Building
1300 12th ST SE
Suite 242
Watford City, ND 58854

GIS Department
Fax: 701-842-2822

Bonnie Foster - GIS Coordinator

Jason Griffin - GIS Specialist

McKenzie County

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